Mary Joyce est peintre, dessinatrice et graveur née à Montréal. Elle
au Canada et en Europe depuis 1986. Rétention sensorielle à travers la mémoire du corps, le travail, la façon dont les choses fonctionnent, le travail des femmes, l'architecture
industrielle et de l'ingénierie, lui fournisent le matériel pour l'elaboration de son oeuvre.
Mary Joyce a obtenu le diplôme des arts visuels (BFA Printmaking) et l'éducation (B.Éd.) à
l'Université de l'Alberta; BA en littérature et histoire de l'art à
l'Université McMaster à Hamilton, en Ontario. Elle a complété ses études
dans des ateliers avec certains des artistes les plus connus du Canada: Sheila Butler, Shirley Witasaalo, le regretté Garry Williams et John Chalke.
Joyce a gagné de nombreaux prix d'Art et des subventions. Ses oeuvres se trouvent dans la Fondation d'Art de l'Alberta; Société du Nord de l'Alberta Imprimer Archives; la Misericordia HÔPITAL et U de A Collections Hospital; Collections Université, Université de l'Alberta ,; WP Wagner Lycée ,; la Collection Edmonton and District Labour Council; Association SACRED; tous Edmonton, Savage Collection des estampes canadiennes au Glenbow Museum de Calgary; les Archives Flint Printshop à la Galerie d'art de Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario; la Galerie Collection Ad Axiom à Burlington, Ontario; Manitoba Printmakers 'Association Archives à Winnipeg, au Manitoba; Projet pétrolier East Husky de Terre-Neuve; et collections privées au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe.
Mary Joyce est Représentante d'Art Résilience pour
le Canada
Mary Joyce is an artist born in Montreal, living in Edmonton. An award-winning printmaker, drawer and painter, she has been producing and exhibiting in Canada and Europe since 1986. Sensory retention through body memory, labour, how things work, women’s work, industrial architecture and engineering provide material for her investigations.
Mary Joyce earned Visual Arts (BFA Printmaking) and Education (BEd) degrees at University of Alberta; BA in Literature and Art History (Honours Double Major) at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. She has completed mentorships and workshops with some of Canada’s best-known artists: Sheila Butler, Shirley Witasaalo, the late Garry Williams and John Chalke. She organized and achieved successful art production relationships with print-artist Alan Flint and with electro-acoustic composer Gerhard Ginader.
Joyce has won a range of Art Awards and Grants. Her work is collected in the Alberta Art Foundation; Society of Northern Alberta Print Archives; the Misericordia Hospîtal and U of A Hospital Collections; University Collections, University of Alberta,; WP Wagner High School,; the Edmonton and District Labour Council Collection; SACRED Association; all Edmonton, Savage Collection of Canadian Prints at the Glenbow Museum in Calgary; the Flint Printshop Archives at the Hamilton Art Gallery, Hamilton, Ontario; the Ad Axiom Gallery Collection in Burlington, Ontario; Manitoba Printmakers’ Association Archives in Winnipeg, Manitoba; East Husky Oil Project of Newfoundland; and private collections in Canada, the US and Europe.
Mary Joyce is Representative of Art Resilience for
Lescar, France
San Juan Islands, Wa, Etats-Unis
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