Kamba Mukeke est né le 25 novembre 1960 à Lubumbanshi, en République démocratique du Congo, dans l’ex-Zaïre.
Dès l ‘âge de 12 ans, il commence déjà à s’initier à l’art. En 1978, il termine son cours secondaire a l’académie de beaux art de Lubumbashi et Kananga. Après un bref passage en 1983 à l’Institut supérieur des sciences appliquées de Kinshasa , sa route croise celle de la peintre québécoise et canadienne Mme Rita Godin, artiste multidisciplinaire et multimédia, du Studio d’art Rita Godin d’Aumond, Québec, Canada. Ce qui lui permet de parfaire sa formation en art : dessin, peinture, aquarelle, pastel et techniques mixtes et il décroche ainsi un diplôme en art.
Site web : Kumba Mukeke
Kamba Mukeke, 49 year old hailed from Lubumbanshi, Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire. He started at very early age of 12 year old to master the art. He continue briefly at the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences in visual art. One day his crossed path with Canadian artist Rita Godin, multidisciplinary artist and multimedia, Studio Art of Aumond Rita Godin, Quebec, Canada. This enables him to perfect his art training in drawing, painting, watercolor, pastel and mixed media as well and he won an Arts degree.
From 1980 until 2000, the artist Kamba Mukeke has produced numerous exhibitions in Central, South, West and North. In 1988, through an organization, the World Show Business, he exhibited his works at the Gallery of African Art, Washington, USA. In 2003, he participated in a major exhibition in Angers, France.
Lescar, France
San Juan Islands, Wa, Etats-Unis
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