Michel Dumont

"Leather Pride Bear "

"Colour blind justice bear"


Michel Dumont, Thunder Bay, Canada





1986 - 1992     Lakehead University, Visual Arts/Psychology - Argus Newspaper, Graphics Editor


Art Residencies


August - September, 2018     Intergenerational LGBT Art Residency. Gibraltar Point, Toronto         Artscape.

September - October 2018     Bair Banff Artist Residency. Banff, Alberta.



Juried, Invitational and Group Exhibitions

  • 2020   Queer Arts Festival in Vancouver canada and in Toronto
  • 2019     La francophonie dans tous ses etats #3, Urban Abbey, Thunder Bay Museum (upcoming)

                             Outliers, Tangled Art Gallery 401 Richmond TO (upcoming)

  • 2018    Untamed:30th Anniversary, Regional Juried Exhibition, Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Derelicte 11, Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Derelicte 10. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Queer and Peace. Dawson College, Montreal

                             Urban Infill 12 Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             La francophonie dans tous ses etats Urban Abbey, Thunder Bay

                             La francophonie dans tous ses etats #2 Baggage Building Arts Center, Thunder Bay

                             My World. My Community.John B. Aird Gallery. Queen's Park

                             Hard Twist 13 Gladstone Hotel, Queen's Street, Toronto

                             Untamed. Definitely Superior Art Gallery.

  •  2017    Manifestation. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Painting 2017. John B. Aird Gallery, Queen's Park

                             Annual Member's Show. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Republic of Inclusion. Shenkman Gallery, Ottawa

                             London Pride Art Show. The ARTS Project

                             Queer Landscapes, Queer Intersections. John B. Aird Gallery, Queen's Park

                             Urban Infill 11. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Fibre Arts Exhibition 2017, Baggage Art Building

  •   2016   Ineffable. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                              ArtESCAPE. Parks Canada, Nipigon Rotary Park

                              London Pride Art Show. The ARTS Project

                              Night Shift, Nuit Rose Collective in associate with Toronto Pride

                              Annual Member's Show. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                              Tangled Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay Art Gallery

                              Urban Infill 10. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                               NeeChee Studio. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                              Invisible Ink Studio. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

  •    2015   Queer Landscapes, Queer Journeys. OPS Pride Network

                              Shown in: John B. Aird Gallery, Queen’s Park, Toronto 

                               Open Studio, Cambrian College in association with PrideHouse TO, Sudbury

                             Die Active Studio. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             Sensibilia. Annual Juried Exhibition. Definitely Superior Art Gallery

                             NeeChee Studio. Definitely Superior Art Gallery


Dave Karasiewicz- Curator of Definitely Superior Art Gallery

Kevin Cherry- Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport